Here are listed below certain impacts of classroom displays on learning –
Do not create your displays and let your learners create them firstly –
Displays that feature permanent art work or visual pieces created by the class’s learners have a positive effect on their learning. The reason is that these types of displays help children to have a different type of ownership over their learning space. In the process of using their own original art creations as a part of their classroom displays children take a different type of pride in their studies also. In turn this particular ownership impacts their overall progress in a very different way altogether. Ultimately the purpose and agenda is to create a space where kids can easily concentrate on their task rather than on displays. Talking of display representations in classroom virtual online teaching is also an aspect of new age education that is catching up fast. Currently the new mantra is all things education is all things digital.
Absolutely not too much or too little –
Too much colour or content can distract a child very much from his/her work. It is also known that a bunch of children have had very poor and lower level of academic progress with very little visual representation. The optimum amount is actually not too much and also not too little. Keeping the aspect of visual representation in mind it is extremely important that one never overdoes for the classroom displays. Apart from being added to visual stimulation it is also important being clutter free absolutely. Limiting one self to just few lively displays and remaining the rest to complete calmness works best. This is without any doubt a happy medium for students focusing on better outcomes. For example festive season can be limited to a balanced representation of visual representation for the better.
Make use of your wall well enough –
It is more than important to know how to strike a balance and maintain a vibrant thread to help the classroom stimulating. You do not have to be a builder or a painter to create your own display wall student friendly but to cater to minimal ideas and making use of them wisely does the needful too. Children prefer the colour red in their rooms and react more vibrantly and is seen participating in mindful ways according to research and studies. Making your fun wall also requires the rightly accurate amount of lighting mixed with content, mix of elements and matter.
Avoid overcrowding but ensuring spaces are not too bare –
What makes a good classroom display? In case the walls inside a classroom are left too bland then it will not fit into the ideal idea of a great classroom display. And if it is overloaded or pre-occupied by too much of visual displays then it is bound to cause distractions for students. Distractions invariably will cause a barrier in student’s attention. It is thus but and absolutely required to avoid too much of ideas and elements over crowding the wall and a neat balance of white walls alongside the elements that would be used in the long term. Using 50% of the wall for displays and leaving the rest as a blank wall is the ideal optimum choice. To remember day sunlight is also another factor that is crucial for speedy learning of the children in a classroom set up.
Being innovative without being being on a repeat mode –
Innovation comes only and only from team work & like wise team work comes from innovation. For example a ‘class project’ in a classroom can bring out the innate innovation of the cluster of minds together. An accurate example of a tiny township divided by equal distribution of buildings that can be depicted by cut outs made by class students is more of an ideal classroom display scenario. This sort of activities not only boosts ‘class unity’ but also pushes to bring alive a concept, an idea, an ideation, a thought to life.
As time passes by it is but obvious to keep the material of the teacher very fresh and vibrant. So that the relevance of the topic stays alive at any cost. There is also a requirement to focus on the pupil’s work. This concept is for a reason. It is because pupils have better opportunities to be involved, work in teams and also have their work displayed as a part of their ‘classroom display’ assignments. Apart from the ‘classroom displays’ and other current generation new age education concepts, Virtual Online Teaching is too taking solid shape rapidly.
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Written By : Samantha Kanth