
Become A Top English Teacher Online Top 5 Effective Tips For Teaching English Online To Beginners

15th July 2024

Almost every TEFL teacher feels daunted because of the fact that they are going to teach English to non-native-speaking students online. In physical classrooms, teachers have the luxury to teach face-to-face and they can understand student’s behavioural patterns also which helps them to teach them effectively.

However, we all know that online teaching and learning is the future. According to, 72% of the students are inclined towards online learning than traditional classroom learning.

online teaching and learning

That doesn’t mean you need to be worried about anything. In fact, today’s generation of learners is so smart that they are aware of the common phrases and words of English even the non-native learners. So, you don’t need to know the native language to conduct your online English class successfully.

Still, if you are concurrent about, how to be a top English teacher online and conduct classes successfully? Then, we have got you covered.

All you need to do is believe in yourself and have belief in whatever teaching English skills you have acquired from pursuing courses like International TEFL courses and just follow the below-mentioned effective tips for teaching English online to beginners.

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Set a Routine To Follow

So, in your English teaching online venture, you have got the opportunity to teach a complete beginner. You might be feeling nervous and might be thinking- How can I conduct the online English class successfully?

Our suggestion is don’t be. Start by setting up a solid routine for you and your beginner student to follow. It might be-

  • Starting from the ice-breaking session
  • Then focus on grammar and writing skills for the next 20 minutes
  • Listening exercises, etc.

Whatever, routine suits you and your beginner's learning need, so that they can feel comfortable and enjoy the language learning journey, instead of getting intimidated.

Adjust Your Way of Teaching

To get the best outcomes with beginner English learners, engage them at a level with your lesson they can understand. One approach to accomplish this is to change your language register, or the way you speak, by teaching new concepts with familiar vocabulary, speaking at a slower speed than usual, and emphasizing clear pronunciation.

Learn, How ESL teachers use linguistics to teach English, here:

Repetition Is The Key

As they all say, Practice makes the man perfect! It’s the same for language learning also. From learning difficult words to pronounce to learning any complex topic of language, repetition is the key. For example- If you are teaching the concept of conjunction, then you can teach it with a song, written exercise, or reading exercise multiple times, until and unless they have mastered it.

Use Different ESL Teaching Techniques

You might be thinking teaching English online is tough and a challenging task and you are wondering, how to be a top English teacher online. Then, one of the best ways to achieve that is by using various available ESL teaching techniques.

One of the most effective teaching techniques is TPR (Total Physical Response). From its name you can understand that it requires learners to use their physical movement during learning. For example- Simon Says is a game that works perfectly in the case of young learners.

Other ESL teaching techniques would be- using realia. In this method, you can incorporate any real-life object into your lesson. Mostly teachers use Realia to make students understand the meaning of vocabulary words.

For example- If you are teaching about vocabulary related to study items, then you can make a game related to it by asking them to find particular study items like a pencil in their stationary box.

Let Your Students Talk

To teach English to beginner language learners, you must allow them to speak, make mistakes, and correct those errors. Your pupils' communication skills will be far from ideal, so you'll need a lot of patience to help them correct their own mistakes and ensure they grasp vocabulary and concepts correctly.

There is no better approach to helping beginner students’ progress than to have them actively participate in lessons. And if they are shy, try to encourage them and motivate them! There are several reward methods for teaching English that you can use. In fact, rewards work particularly effectively with younger students and are one of the best ways to provide feedback.

Become an Effective & Confident English Teacher Online

Every teacher has this one question in their mind- How to be a top English teacher online? It may seem to be a daunting and challenging task to teach beginner students of the English language. However, with the help of the above-mentioned tips for teaching English online to beginners, you can teach confidently and become a successful English teacher.

If you want to learn more effective and leaflets English teaching methods. Then, consider pursuing courses like International TEFL courses, where you will get to learn from top expert trainers in the education industry.

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Written By : Abhishek

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